Yoga: A Journey Beyond the Mat
Yama (Ethical Observances)
- Ahimsa ( Non Violence)
- Satya ( Truthfulness)
- Asteya ( Non – Stealing)
- Brahmacharya (Continence)
- Aparigraha ( Non – Covetousness)
Niyama (Internal Observances)
- Shaucha (Cleanliness)
- Santosha ( Contentment)
- Tapas ( Purification through discipline)
- Svadhyaya ( Self Study)
- Ishwara Pranidhana ( Surrender to the Divine)
Asana (Physical Postures)
- Aas’ is the sanskrit verbal root for asanas.
- Meaning –’ to sit ‘or ‘to be present’ or ‘state of existence’
- Purpose of Asanas - use the body to gain health and the mastery over the mind
- Key for the essence of ásanas - is to stretch and then relax.
Pranayama (Breathwork)
- Improvement in the quality of the blood due to its increased oxygenation
- Aids in the elimination of toxins from the system
- The digestive organs receive more oxygen and operate more efficiently
- The digestion is further enhanced by the fact that the food is more oxygenated
- Pratyahara is two fold.
- It involves withdrawal from wrong food, wrong impressions and wrong associations.
- While simultaneously opening up to right food, right impressions and right associations.
- By with drawing our awareness from negative impressions, pratyahara strengthens the mind’s power of immunity.
Dharana (Concentration)
- Dharana – Desha bandha chittasya dharana (3.1)
- When the chitta or the mind stuff is confined to a certain place it is Dharana. Focusing on one single point that is Dharana
- It is the art of reducing the wanderings of the mind & eliminating them completely
- Fixing the consciousness on one point or region is concentration
- Balancing of all activities such as food, entertainment, work & sleep helps
Dhyana (Meditation)
- Tatra pratyaya ekatanata Dhyanam (PYS 3.2)
- Meditation is concentration on a noble thought, mantra, image or words; Involves Self Analysis; corrective measures for removing the impressions in the sub conscious mind;
- We have Rupa Dhyana, Guna Dhyana and Svarupa Dhyana ( feeling of Divine Consciousness)
- Values for meditation is Viveka and Vairagya
- Samadhi – complete absorbtion Five Features of Dhyana
Samadhi (Absorption)
- Dharana Dhyana Samadhi collectively known as Samyama.
- Dhyana – Process of meditation
- Dhyatru – Meditator
- Dhyeya – Object of Meditation
- All the three are merged together and that is the state of Samadhi